FY20 Appropriation Adjustments

FY20 appropriation adjustments per Laws 2020, 54th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session, Chapter 58, SB1692, may be entered and submitted to the GAO for processing.  All transactions should be completed using Appropriation and Allotment Budget Document(s) (BGA90), entered and submitted through AFIS.

For FY20 Adjustments that modify existing appropriations (BGA90 Action = Modify), the appropriation and allotment level should be entered using the following guidelines:

Appropriation and Allotment Level section
Action = Modify
Event Type = BG03
Start Date = Leave Blank
End Date = Leave Blank
Description = 20542R058SB1692001 (last three digits is the section number of the bill so it will change per agency).
House Bill Number = Leave Blank
Allotments section
Should be loaded with period 4 at 100% and period 5 at 0%.

FY20 Adjustments that create new appropriations (BGA90 Action = New), the appropriation and allotment level should be entered using the following guidelines:

Appropriation and Allotment Level section
Action = New
Event Type = BG01
Start Date = Day entered
End Date = 06/30/2021 (unless other date specifically stated in the bill)
House Bill Number = 20542R058SB1692001 (last three digits is the section number of the bill so it will change per agency).
Allotments section
Should be loaded with periods 1-3 and 5 at 0% and period 4 at 100%.

Instructions related to loading FY21 appropriations will be issued in a separate communication at a later time.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact your AFIS liaison. 

GAO Budget Team