Important approval workflow changes for certain IETAT transfers starting Monday, October 5, 2020

Effective Monday, October 5, 2020, the following IETAT transfer documents will no longer be routed to the General Accounting Office (GAO) for review and approval.

  1. Payment to Department of Corrections - Arizona Correctional Industries (ACI) for goods and services, e.g., Accounting Template on the General Information of the Exchange Details section of the IETAT is ACISALES.  IETAT transfer documents for these types of payments will be routed to Department of Corrections (AFIS Code DCA) for the final review and approval.
  2. Payment to Department of Corrections for fuel reimbursement, e.g., Accounting Templates on the General Information of the Exchange Details section of the IETAT are A3051645FB, A305WINSFB, A305PVFB, A305YUMAFB, and A305DOUGFB.  IETAT transfer documents for these types of payments will be routed to Department of Corrections (AFIS Code DCA) for the final review and approval.
  3. Payment the Department of Public Safety for fingerprinting charges, e.g., Accounting Template on the General Information of the Exchange Details section of the IETAT is FINGERPRNT.  IETAT transfer documents for these types of payments will be routed to Department of Public Safety (AFIS Code PSA) for the final review and approval.

Please contact your AFIS liaison if you have any questions about this approval workflow change.

AFIS Operations Team