infoAdvantage Statewide report updates

The GAO has made the following updates to Statewide Reports in infoAdvantage:

  • FIN-AZ-AP-N345, Open Encumbrance report - modified to include new APP doc codes (GAEIV1 & GAXIV1)
  • FIN-AZ-DCAT-N383 Document Detail - Payment Documents - GAX, PRC and CEC - modified to include new APP doc code (GAXIV1)
  • FIN-AZ-DCAT-N522 Document Detail - Draft Documents - modified to exclude new APP docs.  This report is intended to show all documents that were created and never submitted, leaving them in "Draft" status. Since ProcureAZ and APP docs are processed via a batch job at night, they are removed from this report.
  • FIN-AZ-GL-N455 Current Recurring Transaction Control by Department - modified to include new APP doc codes (GAEIV1 & GAXIV1)
  • FIN-AZ-GL-N388 Outstanding Open Items - report has been broken out into three tabs. The first tab shows all outstanding open items without DADJ documents. The second tab will show all outstanding open items including DADJ documents. A DADJ Error tab has been add that shows all DADJ documents without a reference document ID. Modified to include new APP doc codes (GAEIV1 & GAXIV1)
  • FIN-AZ-AP-N505 Payroll Reconciliation by Pay Date - edited to correct issue with totals/subtotals on the first report tab.  In addition on this tab the following edits were made:  Sections were removed for Department, Fund and Object. The Department now shows in the header section. The fund and object are placed into the first two columns on the detail
    rows. Finally, on both report tabs, input controls have been added for Fund, Object Class, Function.
  • FIN-AZ-AP-N613 Payment Details Report - new report replaced FIN-AZ-AP-N151 Outstanding Warrants by Department. The report shows a list of all warrant/EFT by department. The prompts include department, vendor code, vendor name and issue date range. Input controls give the user the ability to filter by fund or payment status.

Copies of these reports or those under the “My Recently Viewed Documents”, may not function properly due to the indicated changes.  Please run/refresh the reports from the “1 – Statewide Reports” folder.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

AFIS Reporting Team