infoAdvantage Statewide report updates

The GAO has added a new report to Statewide Reports in infoAdvantage:

FIN-AZ-GL-N654 COVID 19 Expenditures for all Departments - This report shows a summary by agency and also provides details.

In addition, The GAO has created Calendars for use in scheduling reports in infoAdvantage:

Three calendars are now available for users that will expedite scheduling of recurring reports that users need to run based on Hard Close, Quarterly Depreciation, or Soft Close.

See the training resources page on the GAO website for a quick reference guide that provides more detail on scheduling.  Brief scheduling instructions that include steps on use of the new calendars follow:

  1. Right-click on the report and select "Schedule"
  2. Click Recurrence
    1. Calendars
    2. Select the calendar of choice from the drop down menu
    3. Set the Start Date/Time if the default will not suit your needs
    4. Set the end date as needed (for example, if the prompts restrict by FY, then set the end of the recurrence to the end of the FY, and then create a new recurrence at the start of the new fiscal year.) 
  3. Click Prompts >
    1. Click “Modify” (it may take a minute or more for the prompts to open)
    2. Enter your prompts
    3. Click “Apply”
  4. Format (optional)
  5. Destination (optional)
  6. Click "Schedule" in the bottom right of your window.
  7. In the history window, click on the word "Recurring" in the Status column to view your recurrence.  If there is any mistake, delete your recurrence.  Delete by following these steps: right click on the recurrence (row will turn blue).  Then select Organize > Delete.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

AFIS Reporting Team