infoAdvantage Statewide report updates

FIN-AZ-AP-N644 Detailed List of Expenditures, Revenues, and Encumbrances has been removed from the statewide folder and will be permanently retired.

Users can run the following two reports to pull similar information:

  • FIN-AZ-GL-N333 Summarized Revenues and Expenditures by Department, Fund, Appropriation, Unit and Function
  • FIN-AZ-AP-N372 Payment Extract Report

FIN-AZ-CM-N363 Revenue Analysis was modified to remove the prior year prompt option to avoid confusion and increase the efficiency of the report.

Copies of the modified reports or those under the “My Recently Viewed Documents,” may not function properly due to the indicated changes. Please run/refresh the reports from the “1 – Statewide Reports” folder.

For quick access to often-used reports, users may create shortcuts from Statewide reports and save the shortcut to their agency On Demand folder, or users may pin the reports to their taskbar in infoAdvantage.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

AFIS Reporting Team