infoAdvantage tips on running reports

Fiscal Year End brings an increased user demand on infoAdvantage (infoADV), so longer run times around July are expected.  However, users can still obtain data by following these tips:

  • Browser - use Edge (version 89 or higher). Do not use Chrome nor Internet Explorer (IE): both of these browsers have more issues.
  • Narrow down the size of your data. Limit the data run in the report by narrowing down your prompts.
    • For instance, run only one fiscal year (FY) or accounting period (APD) at a time. If you are combining data outside of infoADV, know that after a fiscal year has hard closed, no new data can post to it.
  • Do not run nor try to export huge data sets. Rather, limit the data using to a reasonable size and combine the "parts" outside of infoADV if needed.
  • Run the report just once. If you do not get data as quick as you normally would, be patient and wait a bit longer. If still you obtain no data, try again later.
  • Do not run the same report/prompts many times in succession --- this will not expedite report processing and definitely makes the problem worse for everyone.
  • If you obtain data, but the data is still too large to export, use input controls or filter bar filters to narrow down the data set and export the data in smaller sets that can be combined outside of infoADV.
  • Developers - purge report data. This does improve report-scheduling performance.


Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

AFIS Reporting Team