SAAM Additions, Updates and Drafts Effective as of November 27, 2017

New or updated Sections, if any, of the State of Arizona Accounting Manual (SAAM) listed below have been posted to /publications/saam.

New SAAM Drafts, if any, have been posted to /publications/saam/saam-draft.

Drafts are posted for comment and do not reflect policy statements that are in effect. Agencies are requested to review any Drafts within sixty (60) days of initial posting and send their comments to [email protected].

New SAAM Section(s)
0008 General Information: Standardized Input Required by the General Accounting Office Codifies the requirement that standardized forms or methods of input be used for certain financial operations.
SAAM Update(s)
5030 Travel: Hotels, Meals and Lodging Clarifies any potential ambiguity between standard and conference lodging reimbursement rates.


Comments, corrections, complaints and compliments should be emailed to [email protected].  Please include the number of the SAAM section and relevant paragraph(s) (SAAM NNNN-nn.nn.nn) in the subject line.
