SAAM Additions, Updates and Drafts as of January 30, 2017

New or updated Sections, if any, of the State of Arizona Accounting Manual (SAAM) listed below have been posted to /publications/saam.

New SAAM Drafts, if any, have been posted to /publications/saam/saam-draft.

New SAAM Section(s)
0506 Internal Controls: Internal Control Principles and Practices An extensive discussion of internal controls drawing upon the Federal Government's Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government and modified for application to the State of Arizona Government. 
2005 Current Assets: Bank Accounts Emphasizes the role of the Office of the State Treasurer in the establishment of bank accounts. 
2030 Current Assets: Quarterly Debt Reporting Clarifies agencies' debt reporting requirements. 
Updated SAAM Section(s)
5008 Travel: Travel Matters Requiring the Approval of the State Comptroller Clarifies the fact that, unless otherwise provided, payment or reimbursement for meals or lodging when the traveler is less than 50 miles from both home and duty post require the approval of the State Comptroller. 
5025 Travel: Meals and Incidentals Expands discussion of the reduction of meal allowances when meals are provided by others and further clarifies out-of-CONUS meals. 
5061 Travel: Commuting With resect to employees with multiple duty posts extends to 50 miles the non-reimbursable travel between one's home and initial and final duty posts. 
5557 Payroll and Personnel: Employee Recognition Activities Allows the provision of meals, of a cost per person not to exceed the amount reimbursable for lunch, at employee recognition events. Strictly prohibits the purchase or provision of alcohol or other intoxicants at such events. 

Drafts are posted for comment and do not reflect policy statements that are in effect. Agencies are requested to review any Drafts within sixty (60) days of initial posting and send their comments to [email protected].

Greg Vokoun