Update to Quick Reference Guide (QRG) - Disposing of a Fixed Asset

An update to the Quick Reference Guide (QRG) Disposing of a Fixed Asset has been posted to the GAO website. The QRG now covers all dispositions, not just lost, stolen, or destroyed assets.  The QRG also provides additional guidance for the disposition methods of ACCD, SOLD, TRAD, and TRAN. This additional information should help users select the correct method when entering FD documents. Additionally, although FD documents with negative depreciation will still route to GAO for approval, a correction document to correct the accumulated depreciation is no longer needed before processing. GAO will continue to review these documents for other errors before approving.  All users who enter or review FD documents should review the updated QRG.

The updated QRG can be found on the AFIS Training Resources page under the Functional Area of Asset Management in the Quick Reference Guides (QRG) section.

If you have any questions about this QRG, please contact your AFIS Liaison or the GAO Internal Audit Team at [email protected].
