Vendor Legal Name Allowable Characters

Due to the IRS 1099 legal name reporting requirements, we will need to limit the type of characters entered in the Vendor/Customer and the 1099 Reporting Information Name fields on VCCD1 and VCMD1 documents. The only characters, other than alpha or numeric characters, allowed by the IRS in the Legal Name fields include hyphens (-) and the ampersand symbols (&).

Effective March 11th, 2019, GAO will begin rejecting any VCCD1 and VCMD1 documents that include any of the unallowable characters such as commas (,), apostrophes (‘), backslashes (\), periods (.), number sign (#) to name a few, in the Name fields in both the Vendor/Customer and the 1099 Reporting Information sections.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].

LaKeisha Lewis