The GAO/AFIS group is moving

As mentioned in the CFO meetings, the GAO/AFIS group will be relocating to the Industrial Commission Building at 800 W Washington Street, 6th Floor Phoenix, Arizona 85007 effective Thursday, December 18, 2014.  It is the same building that the BREAZ Project Team is currently housed in.  The temporary move allows the GAO/AFIS team to directly learn the new AFIS functionalities and assist with the implementation of the new system.

E-mail addresses and contact phone numbers for the GAO/AFIS team remain unchanged.  All mail, including courier, interoffice and US Mail, to the GAO/AFIS team will continue to be sent to the GAO, to the attention of AFIS Staff.  Mail is not to be sent to the BREAZ location.  Please note that after Thursday, December 18, your agency AFIS liaison will no longer be available to assist you in person at the GAO location.  If you have an urgent matter or documentation that needs your agency liaison's immediate attention, please arrange and coordinate with your liaison accordingly.

Our goal is to transition to the new location with minimum disruption to the daily operations, and we will try to quickly work through any unforeseen issues arising from the move.  We appreciate your understanding, cooperation and patience during this transition.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Brian Nguyen at [email protected] or 602-542-2122.

Brian Nguyen