GASB Statement 87 – Leases request for information REMINDER

The GAAP Group, which prepares the statewide Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), has issued forms to determine the GASB Statement 87 – Leases fiscal year 2022 beginning balances.  Please refer to the GASB 87 GAO Memo for FY22 Conversion for instructions, and visit the Leases (GASB 87) page on the GAO website to download the forms and training videos. 

These forms are required to be completed by all agencies except those who prepare their own accrual-based audited financial statements (although these forms may be helpful to those agencies as well).  These forms are due back to the GAAP Group at [email protected] by Friday, April 1, 2022.

These forms are for beginning balances only.  Additional forms will be included with the fiscal year 2022 closing packages to determine fiscal year 2022 activity and ending balances.

Tami Schuler