infoAdvantage Report Users Announcement

The General Accounting Office (GAO) requests agency input and attendance at the Business Intelligence User Group Meeting on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 1:00 PM to discuss agency reporting needs as the state upgrades from infoAdvantage to AZ360 Insights. If users would like to provide their agency's point of view on reporting needs and affect design and data inclusion, join GAO for this monthly series of thought-provoking discussion.

Topics will include:

  • infoAdvantage to Insights updates.
  • A review and demo of the Cash Balance analytic.
  • Tips and tricks for reorganizing columns!
  • How to use the AZ360 JACTG inquire page.

This meeting will be hosted through Google Meets. Register for the session in TraCorp; use the course ID: BusIntelUG.

GAO values users' thoughts and input, and encourages the exchange of ideas and suggestions for improvement. Contact the GAO Reporting Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments.

GAO Reporting Team
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