infoAdvantage Statewide report updates

GAO has modified a Statewide report as part of our report right-sizing efforts. The edited reports will enable deletion of some Departmental On Demand reports.

  • FIN-AZ-AP-N505 Payroll Reconciliation by Pay Date

The modified version of this report gives users the ability to run (prompts) by Doc ID, Actual Payment Date, or Scheduled Payment Date. Payroll Documents in Submitted (Final) and Rejected (Draft) status are included in the report. The report has 3 summary tabs (submitted, rejected, and both). There are detailed tabs for each summary tab that include multiple chart of account elements. A tab called: Payroll: Rejected by Object Class. This is a cross tab split by Object Class and other COA elements. The last tab in the report called: Payroll: Submitted vs. Rejected provides a comparison report similar to the original report.

Due to report changes, run and/or refresh reports from the 1-Statewide Reports folder. Previously modified reports and/or those under the My Recently Viewed Documents may not run correctly without first refreshing the report.

To create a shortcut for frequently used reports in the Statewide reports folder, use one of two methods:

  • Save the shortcut to the agency On Demand folder, or
  • Pin the report to the taskbar in infoAdvantage

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

AFIS Reporting Team
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