SAAM Draft for Updated Policy Posted March 24, 2025
New or updated SAAM Drafts, if any, have been posted to under SAAM Drafts.
Changes contained in updated SAAM sections can easily be identified using the instructions contained in SAAM 0007.
Drafts are posted for comment and do not reflect policy statements that are in effect. Agencies are requested to review any Drafts within thirty (30) days of initial posting and send their comments to [email protected].
Updated DRAFT SAAM Section(s) |
0530 |
Internal Controls: Fraud, Theft, Waste, and Abuse |
DRAFT posted for updates. Proposed changes include reporting timeframes, clarification regarding what is to be reported, clarification regarding agency and GAO roles and responsibilities, addresses confidentiality, and allows for modified reporting by agencies with OIGs. |
This is a draft update based on numerous conversations with multiple agencies of various sizes and complexities, as well as, questions, and circumstances that have occurred. This policy will be posted for a period of at least 30 days to allow time for review and to collect any feedback or comments. These changes will not be effective until the final policy is posted with an effective date. Until that time, the existing policy remains in place.
Please forward any comments, corrections, suggestions, etc. to [email protected] on or before April 24, 2025. Include the number of the SAAM section and relevant paragraph(s) (SAAM NNNN-nn.nn.nn) in the subject line.