State of Arizona FY 2020 Single Audit and Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) Extension

The Office of Management and Budget has issued a six month extension on the FY 2020 Single Audit in the March 19th, 2021 memo M-21-20 Promoting Public Trust in the Federal Government through Effective Implementation of the American Rescue Plan Act and Stewardship of the Taxpayer Resources. The Single Audit and SEFA is due annually on March 30th, nine months after the close of the fiscal year. The deadline with this extension is September 30th. The General Accounting Office and the Arizona Auditor General do not anticipate using the full extension; the estimated submittal date is June 30th, 2021. 

Please contact Amanda Compton at 602-542-5611, [email protected] or [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

Amanda Compton