The Business Re-Engineering AriZona or BREAZ project is a statewide initiative to transform Arizona’s current business processes and replace the existing statewide accounting system and a number of agency specific financial systems. The project will modernize the State’s central accounting system, the Arizona Financial Information System, AFIS, and set the course for how the State will do business for the next 20-30 years.

The new AFIS consists of a Financials system, an Inventory Management system, called Maximo, and a Facilities Management system, called TRIRIGA. The existing State Procurement system, ProcureAZ, and the Human Resources system, HRIS, will integrate with new AFIS.
More detailed information about new system functionality and the business process changes associated with new AFIS can be found by exploring each of the areas listed:
Statewide Arizona Accounting Manual (SAAM) is being revised to support the statewide business processes driven by the new AFIS. It is recommended users read the appropriate policy information prior to attending End User Training.
Additional information and resources about the BREAZ project can be found here: