Update on the closing of Fiscal Year 2018

The encumbrances and pre-encumbrances balance roll forward, which was initially scheduled to take place on Monday, August 6, was completed over this past weekend. 

If agencies come across JVPS (Journal Voucher Preencumbrance Sweep) and JVES (Journal Voucher Encumbrance Sweep) documents in Draft and Rejected status on the agency’s Document Catalog, they are from the balance roll forward process.   Agencies are not required to take action on these as the AFIS Operations Team is working to clear them. 

If agencies come across negative encumbrance and pre-encumbrance balances on their budgets, it is due to rejected JVPS and JVES documents that the AFIS Operations Team is working on. 

GAO continues making progress in cleaning up outstanding balances in order to close the year and will inform agencies when Fiscal Year 2018 is officially closed.  Please contact your AFIS liaison if you have any questions.

AFIS Operations Team