Pay Documents Availability – September 21, 2023

Pay Documents in Y.E.S. is unavailable in order to resolve an issue. Pay Documents is used to view items such as paychecks and W-2s. The server for Pay Documents in Y.E.S. will be brought back online as soon as the issue is resolved.

Paycheck details are still accessible in Y.E.S. while the Pay Documents server is down. To view the paycheck detail in Y.E.S.:

  1. Select the Pay bookmark under Your Employee Services.
  2. Select Year to Date Paycheck.
  3. Select a year from the drop down and select Continue.
  4. Year-to-date information will be shown as well as a hyperlink labeled Payment Details. Click on Payment Details.
  5. Select a date. The payment detail will then be shown.

If there are any questions, contact Central Payroll at [email protected].

Central Payroll