SAAM Updates to State Travel Policy effective October 1, 2016

Some major changes to State Travel Policy, as contained in the State of Arizona Accounting Manual (SAAM) will take effect on October 1, 2016:

  • Hotel rates have been set to correspond with the updated Federal hotel rates.  The Federal hotel rates take effect on October 1, as well. 
  • In general, meal and incidental rate limitations have not been changed; this, too, aligns with Federal rates that remain unchanged.  However, there are several changes as to how these reimbursement limitations will be applied for those traveling for the State; these are discussed briefly below.  It is to be noted that this article contains only a brief summary of the changes and anyone traveling for the State, arranging such travel or approving travel claims should read all of SAAM 5025 and paragraphs 6 through 8 (and the beginning of paragraph 9) of SAAM 5095.
  • For travel involving an overnight stay, the meal reimbursement limit will, before any reductions for meals provided by other entities, be limited to seventy-five percent (75%) of the full day’s meal allowance of the destination location.
  • For travel not involving an overnight stay, no meal allowance will be allowed for periods of travel status of less than six (6) hours; for periods of travel status of between six (6) and less than (12) hours the Single Day Meal Reimbursement Limit (which is currently $13) will apply; and, for periods of travel status that equal or exceed twelve (12) hours the Extended Day Meal Reimbursement Limit (which is currently $20) will apply.  These limits apply no matter the destination of the travel or the place where the meal or meals are purchased and consumed.


Versions of these sections of SAAM that were in effect before October 1, 2016, can be found at /saam-archive-post-712015.

The newly finalized Sections of the State of Arizona Accounting Manual (SAAM) listed below have been posted to /publications/saam

Updated SAAM Section(s)
5025 Travel: Meals and Incidentals Changes to meal reimbursement ceilings for days of travel involving overnight stays; changes to meal reimbursement ceilings for travel not involving overnight stays. 
5095 Travel: Maximum Mileage, Lodging, Meal Parking and Incidental Expense Reimbursement Rates New hotel reimbursement ceilings; single day and extended day reimbursement limits for travel not involving an overnight stay. 
9505 Lists: Glossary The definition of "travel status" has been modified. 

Comments, corrections, complaints and compliments should be emailed to [email protected].  Please include the number of the SAAM section and relevant paragraph(s) (SAAM NNNN-nn.nn.nn) in the subject line. 

Greg Vokoun