Quarterly Fixed Asset Mass Depreciation Run on March 31st, 2025
Fixed Asset Mass Depreciation Run for the 3rd quarter of FY 2025 is scheduled to take place on March 31st, 2025. To reduce the potential for posting errors and/or failures, refer to the Mass Depreciation Quarterly Checklist for actions required by the department:
- All disposals are up to date in AZ360 Financial (FIN)and FD transactions are completed and approved within 10 days of receiving an approved SP-101.
- Complete and approve any pending or draft FA, FD, FI, FM, or FT transactions in AZ360 FIN no later than close of business Friday, March 28th, 2025, which is the last business day prior to the mass depreciation batch run.
- Review previous fixed asset depreciation outstanding issues as communicated by the General Accounting Office (GAO).
- Notify the GAO Agency Liaison of any assets that failed to post depreciation if an exception report is not received from GAO in the week following the mass depreciation batch run.
The Mass Depreciation Quarterly Checklist can be found on the GAO website homepage (https://gao.az.gov) under the Quarterly Fixed Asset Mass Depreciation Schedule section. The items on the checklist are intended to promote fixed asset transactions being processed in a timely manner and reduce the number of assets that fail to post depreciation due to pending transactions outstanding on the transaction catalog.
Have any unprocessed FA, FD, FI, FM, or FT transactions either approved or discarded in AZ360 FIN no later than close of business on Friday, March 28th, 2025.
If there are any questions on how to process transactions in time, contact the GAO Agency Liaison. Share this information with the agency accounting staff.