Reminder of Manual Liquidation Requests of Purchase Orders (POs) Created in APP

The upgrade from AFIS (Advantage 3.11) to AZ360 Financial (Advantage 4) does not change the functionality of AZ360 and APP integration. The General Accounting Office (GAO) will continue to process manual liquidation requests of open POs created in APP only when agencies receive the A1603 and A8466 error codes during the liquidation process in APP.

Any AZ360 Chart of Account (COA) errors besides the A1603 and A8466 errors should be handled through the Agency APP Tech Leads and the Agency Coordinator/Financial Leads collaboration as previously instructed. For example, a “Task cannot be modified because Change Closed Allowed is not set on Document Controls (A216)” error during a PO liquidation in APP does not mean it is an AZ360 and APP integration issue and automatically requires a manual liquidation in AZ360. It simply means the Task COA element was changed in AZ360 after payment(s) were successfully issued against the open PO, and this is not allowed in AZ360. The Agency Tech Lead needs to work with the Agency Coordinator/Financial Leads to correct the COA error in AZ360 first and then liquidate the open PO in APP.

As a reminder, when liquidating an open PO in APP, the request for manual liquidation protocol is as follows:

  1. Check the open PO balance in both AZ360 and APP. If there is no open amount in AZ360, but the PO is still open in APP, there is nothing else to be done in AZ360. The agency will need to ask the ADOA State Procurement Office (SPO) Team to place the document in a Closed or Cancelled status in APP without triggering a liquidation to AZ360.
  2. If there is an open amount in both AZ360 and APP, and the A1603 and A8466 errors are received, submit the liquidation request through ADOA SPO's Purchase Order Manual Closure process. Submit the liquidation request through any other means will be returned to the requester.
  3. If there is an open amount in both AZ360 and APP, and the A1603 and A8466 errors are not received, do not contact the ADOA SPO Help Desk and request the PO to be forced to a closed status in APP without triggering an integration to AZ360. This not only creates additional and unnecessary work for the GAO Operations Team to manually liquidate the PO in AZ360, but also bypasses the agency’s proper protocol of managing COA errors in AZ360. 
  4. Review the AZ360 Financial & APP Common Error Log and Resolution document on the GAO website under Operations, Operations Resources. This document provides instructions on how to clear most AZ360 and APP integration errors (besides the A1603 and A8466 errors).
  5. If further clarification is needed on how to resolve an error, contact the GAO Operations Team at [email protected] with the APP PO number and the specific integration errors received in APP.

Share this information with Agency APP Tech Leads and Agency Coordinator/Financial Leads. If the agency needs additional assistance or clarification, contact the agency’s GAO Liaison to schedule a meeting to walk through the liquidation assistance protocol.

GAO Operations Team
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